Monday, August 9, 2010

Letter from Elder Morrison

hey family, unfortunately i only have about 5 to 10 minutes to email this go around. saturday night was transfers and i found out i was staying. we went bowling with the elliotts this morning at 10 and at 1230 i received a phone call from the AP and they told me i will be going to jurupa zone. i was pissed to say the least. i didnt even really get to say goodbye to anyone. it has been an extremely hard day for me. i will be on bike in the jurupa 2nd ward. sister elliott and her family were devistated, since i received the call while bowling.

the pic that josh peck sent, was us making sushi. some of the best i have ever had. it sounds like you have had a good weekend. my weekend was great, up until today. i was almost certain that i would be here a nother 3 months since elder meehan goes home in 6 weeks. jokes on me right. tell grandma and grandpa i got their email but due to time, i wont be able to read it quite yet. i might be able to hop on the computer tomorrow when i get to jurupa.

i will try to get my teeth looked at as soon as i can. it is a little hectic right now. it is going to be so hard to leave, i love the people here so much and we are finally getting a couple people on date and a few more that look really promising. oh well, you win some you lose some. i dont understand why out of 200 missionaries, im the one that gets a phone call. oh well, the lord will take care of it. he always does.

i love you guys im sorry for the short one. say hi to brett for me. and tell them congrats.

Love Ty

Monday, August 2, 2010

Letter from Elder Morrison

freak balls that is a huge dog! there is no way in heck that is our dog. mom wouldnt allow it in any way what so ever.
anyway it sounds like life is busy back in moses lake. that is pretty good though. how was jerry garcia's birthday party you threw for him? probably as good as the one you threw for neil diamond. haha

thanks for the package! i got it and really appreciate it. all very useful things. i just about ate my self sick with salt water taffy and happy cola. haha. i loved it!

so this week was a little slower. we helped a guy move on wednesday, all day long. that took it out of me. and my back was super sore after it. i got stuck lifting an electric double recliner with someone and that was the heaviest couch i have ever lifted. anyway that took most of the day and then we taught another lesson to sandra, the lesbian girl. we asked her to be baptized but she is a little scared she doesnt know enough. but we will keep teaching her. friday we tracted for 3 hours straight and ran into a guy that rode horses with ezra taft benson. that was cool. he told us some stories with him. saturday we got stuck helping a guy move again. their truck was 5 hours late and they were moving to utah. it took another all dayer, and quite a few ibuprophen. but hey, at least we were of some help.

sunday at church a hawaiian family came up to us and said their 11 year old son wasnt baptized and they want us to teach him and baptize him this month. pretty exciting i must say. we are seeing them tomorrow. the work is finally starting to pick up. its been hard not having any solid investigators for a while but meehan really wants to baptize before he goes home in 7 weeks so we are really working hard.

i had a question for dad. i was wonderin if you could set hailey up on legal sounds and see if she cant find some christian music for me. its amazing how old some music can get after you listen to it for a while. if not, i understand, you guys are really busy.

you are right, the weather here has been a lot cooler than that last week. wee have been really lucky, infact, monday or tuesday night, it got down to 65 in our barn with the swamp cooler going. it was really nice.
well thats all i can think of to write right now, i will be on for another 30 minutes or so if you are around. love ya

love ty

Monday, July 26, 2010

Letter from Elder Morrison

wow sounds like you guys had a busy week thats for sure. i sure do miss pig out. that would be a lot of fun again. this week hasnt been too warm, usually around 90 or so. the nights are finnally starting to cool off. for a while there it was very warm at night.

this week was a really good week i must say. our numbers were up and we really worked hard. when you dont have anyone to teach its hard to keep motivated through the whole week. elder meehan really wants to baptize before he leaves and i want so much to baptize soon as well. we picked up a new investigator named sandra. we talked to her for an hour or so our side her house and she told us she is straight, but has a girlfriend. how that works im not so sure but she seems very promising if we can get this whole roadblock out of the way.

on tuesday at 5 in the evening, we got a phone call from two missionaries that said they wanted to know wehre to meet us for our dinner becasue they were staying with us while they are having a 4 day training meeting in riverside. we were like, what are you even talking about. so they ended up having to stay with us for most of the week in our tiny barn. it was a little crowded but we made them go sleep in the kitchen because they wouldnt fit in our room. it felt pretty intruding, and they ate all my food for breakfast, so that sucks. im outta MSF so i will survive on cereal and protien shakes for a bit until we get MSF in.

i havent gotten a package yet but im sure it will be here soon. thanks for sending that. it will be much appreciated. another elder today was telling me he had to get it sent from home too because he couldnt find it or really even know where to look. im just glad im not on bike right now.

hey, do you know marshall's mission address? i got something to send him but i dont know what it is.
well thats all i can really think of to say right now, i will be on for another 30 min or so, so if you are on, shoot me an email. love ya, and thanks coltin for the post card ;)

<3 elder morrison

ps sister elliott showed me the letter that spencer wrote for dads campaign. nice letter.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Letter from Elder Morrison

dear family,

Wow! sounds like the vacation was a good time! the worst part is always the day after the vacations. going back to the daily life. i really wish i was in the weather you were talking about. i dont know if i told you this already or not, but i think it happened this week. i left my alarm clock in the kitchen because it has a thermometer and we came in at 9 in the p.m. and it said 99.9 degrees. yuck! our room wasnt much better. this morning is the coolest it has been for a week. it got down to 75 when we woke up. but mostly it has been around 85. it is really hard to sleep when it is that warm in there. we have a swamp cooler so that sort of helps keep it down around 85. this week we went to lay sawd, and it was 104 outside. i hate the heat. i cant imagine what it is going to be like next fall when i come home and go from heat to ice.

dad that is so cool to hear about the missionary experience! please dont forget about it. put it at the top of that list. ask him if you can refer him to missionaries. if he is prepared right now, dont be the one to screw it up. haha. wow that is way cool to hear.

this week we were at the park because we had some time before we could go inside and we talked to a girl for a bit. turns out she goes to cross roads and doesnt like it. she goes but is tired of the "mediocre Christian." we are teaching her on tuesday and hopefully she will come to FHE in the singles ward tonight. Elder Meehan and i are pretty sure she is prepared. we are starting the new way of teaching from The Apostles. they are teaching it in the MTC now and we are planning to teach the doctrine of love, using God is our loving heavenly father, and the gospel blesses families, leading into the doctrine of Christ, specifically baptism, and will be committing her to be baptized hopefully mid august or sooner. the AP's bore testimony of this new teaching plan and they said they tried it on 6 people and not one of them rejected the committment to be baptized. i am really excited for it.

yesterday after church i baked the cookies you sent me. i was going to give them to a recent convert for his birthday but i made them and tasted them and it was less than satisfying. Elder meehan and i think its because we used expired margrine. i didnt know it expired but i think it has been expired for a while. oh well it was a good effort.

on thursday we had dinner with jessica lakin at our ward mission leader's house and our mission leader's friend showed up. he is 36 and single, returned missionary but less active. he is a cop that specializes in gangs. he showed us a presentation on Kempo, a martial art that he is a black belt in. he was "being nice" to josh, (Ward mission leader) and josh looked like he was in a whole lot of pain. i could not believe what this guy was doing. he doesnt look like he could at all, but he could kill people in a blink of an eye. it is almost impossible to follow his hands when he moves. it was really somethin else.

durring weekly planning we came up with 57 former investigators to check on. im sure there are at least one or two of them that are ready to be baptized now. its gunna be great week.

well i love you guys, keep on keepin on. good luck with the pig out. say hi to bill for me.



P.S.---i was wondering if you could send a couple things with the pictures from the beach. i was wondering if you could try to find one of those neck things you put in water and it soaks up the cold water and keeps you cool. i think if i have one in the room i might be able to feel cooled down for once. i cant find any in the stores around here. bummer. i was also wondering if you could send some anti-monkey butt. also an essential if i do say so myself. i dont really know where to even look for that stuff. but i do know its amazing haha.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Letter from Elder Morrison

dear family,

well, dad you were right, i didnt get to email until today.

so my new companion is Elder Meehan. he is from Houston Texas. originaly he served in the tacoma washington mission. he had to go home for surgery and is now here. he has 11 weeks left on his mission. he is so ready to get married. he was puting marriage quotes on his planner. haha i love the guy to death, he is super funny, goofy and , best of all, a hard worker. we are going to have a great transfer. i do miss elder ayers, just because he was really funny, but this change hasnt been extremely hard on me. elder meehan wears an invicta too. go team invicta!! we did however have an argument, of which i learned a lot. we were trackting and he said, "so i noticed you might be a boise state fan?"

of course i told him i was and we started talking about the fiesta bowls and all that. he proceeded to tell me that the first fiesta bowl they won wasnt that impressive of a game and how over rated boise was. so we refrain from talking about college football. all he could say was how good byu was, that they just lose at the wrong times. any time you lose its the wrong time. hahah and he told me he wrote a paper on how disney is a company inspired by the devil. so that was a bummer. but other than that, we have not had the slightest of dissagreements or problems. i think its kinda funny cus everything in our barn is mini and his is XXXL so it makes me giggle.

it sounds like you had a great fourth of july. seems like more working than relaxing. but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. our weekend was a little rough. people dont want to hear a message from mormon missionaries when they are getting hammered. sunday night, we got in right at 9 in the p.m. we planned and did all that and then, (this is between you and i haha;)) climbed on our barn and saw all of corona with fireworks everywhere. it was such a big relaxer.

so a lot of things are being changed in the mission. pretty drastic things. and as our zone leader was telling us, he came to the conclusion. he told us, that world wide, missionaries, that have served for less than a year, as of july first, will be serving 18 month missions. everyone was like holy crap! what the devil!? then he told us he was joking. he got everyone pretty good. i wouldnt have believed it except for the fact that all the other changes were legit.

today, we had our multi-zone conference. we were there at 8, and left at 330. what a long day of meetings. the church building was very warm, at least in the relief society room we were in.

i havent gotten a package or a letter from hailey. but im sure it will be comeing soon. in fact, it might be at home right now. we havent been back to the barn yet.

we finaly got msf money and so i went shopping yesterday. they had some good deals at the store still from the 4th of july.they had 5 bags of chips for 5 bucks and 5 cases of soda for 10 bucks. elder meehan and i are gunna enjoy it, at least for a little while. haah. i also bought a 1 lbs sausage and a steak too, not to mention a watermelon. they had half gallons of minute maid juice for 99 cents so i got a couple of those. i spent 20 bucks and should be pretty happy this week haha.

thats funny about mom at the pool. of couse it would happen to you. kinda like that time coltin was at swim lessons and you fell in. hahaha. im not sure why they bought those chairs, they always seemed pretty flimsy.

Well family, the time has come to go get changed into some slacks instead of suit pants. by the way, i bought another pair of slacks from Khol's because i found a coupon for 10 bucks off when you spend 20. the pants were 55, on sale for 25 so i got them for 15 plus tax. they seem to be pretty nice as well. awesome! i love you guys.

peace n' love >- (atempt at a hand with the peace sign ;)

elder morrison

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Letter from Elder Morrison

dear family,

well this week was a pretty lazy week unfortunately. elder ayers and i didnt get much done. we put all of our focus on Elvyn Moo, who got baptized on saturday. we had a couple lessons to teach him still and so we taught him a lot this week. his baptism was the very best baptism i have been to in my entire life. kaity dellenbach sang "when i am baptized" in her arrangement of it. then the baptism. while they were getting changed, elder ayers and i gave the first lesson. there were non-members there and the spirit was so strong. after they came back, katie did another song. there is a story behind this one. elvyn had writen a poem, with a lot of symbolism of the tree of life. he loves that vision. anyway, he is the type of person that likes to fit many words into a sentence. it needed some work so we told him katie and her friend jessica could help him. they spent 4-5 hours working on it thursday, and katie played and sang it on saturday. i couldnt believe what i was hearing. it blew my mind! i heard since katie is working on recording for the efy cd, she might try to get it on there as well. we also had a recent convert speak at it about baptism. she was so scared and nervous. we had to help her writer her talk and everything but she did a great job as well. i was really proud of her.

well i have some big news. transfer calls were saturday evening. we got them at 11 in the pm. elder ayers will be going to Palm Desert. holy smokes. i kinda feel bad for him. i hear it is around 115 degrees this time of the year. im gunna miss him, i hate getting new comps. the whole first week is usually weird, but change is unavoidable on the mission. my new companion is elder meehan. i dont know about him too much, other than he is pretty big and pretty loving. so im pretty excited about it all. i heard this is his last transfer here on the mish, so i think that there is a good possibility of me staying for 5 transferes in this area, which means i will be here for my birthday! i sure hope so.

man i am so glad that i am having this break from working at the pool. it sounds pretty crazy there. how is the campaign going? i hope its goin well. when are the elections?

well, we are going to have lunch soon, so elder ayers can say good bye to some peeps. sorry this one is a bit short, but i will talk to you next week with a bunch of info on my new comp.

love you,

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

Letter from Elder Morrison

the guitar is SUHWEET!!! thank you so much! i dont hve any pictures yet. but i am enjoying it greatly! my fingers hurt really bad, but im getting used to the feel again haha. really, thank you.

so i have quite a bit to tell this week so it might seem as though im rambleing on. so here i go:

first off, red robin was sweet, but on the way there, and back, we drove by the bank of america. there were a bunch of cop cars and cops with assault rifles outside of it. i guess that someone was dumb enough to try to rob the bank. but i also heard it was supposed to be a distraction so they could rob an armorred truck. pretty nuts huh. we waved to the ghetto bird (helicopter) hoping we would get on tv. haha. blew my mind. i guess one of our recent converts was stuck at a store in that same parkinglot and they watched the whole thing. they said they saw the security guard being moved into the ambulance. crazy.

the next day, we had a tie burning party at sister ratliff's house. she invited a couple people from the ward and i burned a tie. i have been in california for 6 months. holy moley. it was kinda a bummer because my tie wouldnt light on fire. it was like a flame retardant tie! it was soaked in alcohol (rubbing alcohol) ;) and as soon as that burned, it just kinda melted the tie a bit. it was frustrating but it was way nice of sister ratliff to throw the party for me. she made a bunch of sallads and cakes and all that jazz. she reminds me a lot of Grandma burch.

We got transfer calls on saturday. e. ayers and i are both staying here. 6 more weeks. ready set go.

they did some pretty big changes however. there are no longer zone leader companionships. each zone has one zone leader, and a junior companion. there are some pretty big changes. one of our zone leaders, elder ottens, is now the AP. he is a great guy. i liked him a lot. he really knows how to lead.

church was amazing yesterday. in the singles ward, they had to samoan or tongan or hawaiian guys speak. all of their family came and it was a packed house. they did a musical number, 4 guys about 18 years old, with a uke. needless to say, it was the very best musical number i have ever heard at church. it went by way to fast. dang good. after church, we had a baptism of Claudia Carbajal. she is the 22 year old that chose english over spanish so we got the baptism into our ward. all week long she has been getting anti-mormon books and such from a co-worker. she said she never once questioned the church, she was just curious about what her co-worker was saying. she knew it was all a bunch of bull butter. her baptism was amazing and katie dellenbach sang as the musical number. top two musical numbers i think i have ever heard. just for the record. ;)

ok one other thing. the other day we ate at this hole inthe wall mexican place and oh my, i got so sick. i had flash backs of peru. the good part was i didnt have to pay to use the bathroom. how tragic.

well, im getting hungry and i gotta figure out a way to print some chords off from kenz. i love you all. thanks for the pics in the mail.

love ty ty

ps. next week, i will email on tuesday.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Farewell Elder Byington

Tyler's best friend, Chandler Byington catches the 6:30 a.m. Flight out of Pasco, Washington tomorrow morning headed to the MTC and then on to SanJose,CA. We love you Chandler! We will miss you we will pray for your success!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Letter from Elder Morrison

thats right, another week down. we are starting the 5th week of the transfer. that means a total of two more weeks and transfer calls are coming in. Elder Ayers keeps filling my head with all this nonsense about him being transfered and me training a greeny. dont know about all that.

sounds like there is another wave of missionaries comin out to kick satan in the...bum. ;) we sure do need them. could you get chandlers mtc address for me? i have a card for him but i dont know what his address is.

ok while im thinking about it, we will prolly be calling around 4. elder ayers has to do it around then because his parents are 3 hrs different than here. so plan on 4 in the pm.

i got a couple stories for you. first off, this one is for mom. it should make you laugh, it made me. well, there is a kid in the singles ward named brian bills. he has red hair and a raspy voice. one day he was trying to sell a sail boat. everyone asked where he got it from and he said he won it on the price is right. then i asked him if he was wearing a yellow shirt and he said yes. I REMEMBER SEEING HIM ON THE PRICE IS RIGHT!!!!!!!!! it was pretty dang funny, i thought anyway.

ok for papa. there is a guy in the auburndale ward here that is big into ham radio. he would like to talk to you if you could get on. the info he gave me is :

call sign; AF6UI

8 am saturdays
7178 hf 40meters
(unofficial Salt Lake ban)

do with it what you will. i gave him your call sign as well.

ah, poor christy and jeff. Please send them my love. i will continue to keep them in my prayers. i think i have been very sheltered, because i didnt really realize how much crap goes on in the world. not only that, but the number of trials and the size of trials different people have to go through. its been a big eye opener for me. thats for sure.

sounds like all is getting better with the wedding? haha and when the flip did kenz get accepted into byu. last i heard that was a deny stamp. and why isnt he living with isoa and becky? ooo he prolly pissed him off. you dont wanna piss off a brotha, now he gotta live in some appartment. haha just kidding.

so last week, well i guess yesterday, the spanams(spanish missionaries) asked to go on exchanges so one of their investigators could try the english ward. she came, is way awesome, and is getting baptized on the 16th of this month. how great will that be. i feel bad that we are just walking into a baptism but, the fact that she is poking satan in the eye, means a whole new life for her. i sounds like she is getting a lot of crap from her family and friends. i was just saying to elder ayers how sweet it is that when you find those people that are so prepared, that nothing can stop them from coming into the gospel. speaking of that, remember jeannie reyes? the one that got baptized a few weeks ago? well, her husband took her to her moms house where unfortunately, an anti-mormon female of doom, decided to pump as much anti-bull crap as she could into them. ray, her husband took it to heart and will not allow the missionaries to come to their home at all. jeannie has made arrangements and will be transfering jobs and continuing her fight, kicking satan in the....shins....:D and spitting in his face. isnt she so great? yeah i thought so.

welp, get pumped, 6 more days and i will be on the phone. 8 more days and i hit my 6th month mark. can you believe that time just wont stop? we were talkin and were wondering if it continues to go this fast even after you get home and change the pace. i think it will, what would you two say? you are the experienced ones in age....hahah ah i love you all, talk to you shortly,

love ty

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Morning Prayer...

Dear Lord,

Monday, April 19, 2010

I won the BANANAGRAMS game tonight!

Letter from Elder Morrison

hey family,

well this week has been pretty good i suppose. norco is really nice. it is a very nice area. its too bad not many people want to hear the gospel though. we still dont have any investigators but we are workin on it.

ok so you kinda get what my companion is like, i have an experience for you. we were at district meeting on tuesday and infront of the whole zone of elders, says he has a question about a verse he read in personal study. he wanted to know if he should follow what it says in 2 cor. 13:12. look it up. pretty funny.

yesterday at church, during sacrament meeting, of the family ward, e. ayers tells me that i am giving a talk in singles ward sacrament meeting. fancy that. so in between wards i threw somthin together. they high councilor never showed up either. pretty crazy sacrament meeting.

i also have some other great news. on saturday, i baptized Jeannie from perris! oh my it was such a good experience. she said that she wanted me to come back and baptize her so that was a really neat thing. i didnt get to stay long after but it was so great. i forgot my camera at the house so i cant email you pictures but next week i will try to remember.

so to answer some of your questions. we drive a 2010 malibu and i havent been on a bike for about 2 months, except for friday. we had exchanges and our district leader is on bike. so he came here and i went on bike. his seat was so crappy, i couldnt walk normal for a couple days. oh yeah, that reminds me, the 2nd councilor of the singles ward bishopric is like a regional manager or rep for ihop so he just said stop by friday at 9 in the AM and get some we did. about 10 singles from the ward came too. awesome.

the members do feed us dang well. they are already filling up the may callendar. they only got 4 days left to fill. mom, promise me that if you are feeding the missionaries, dont feed them spaghetti. PROMISE ME! lol im not complainin. im fine with it. ;D

norco is quite a bit bigger than oakley. its just like any other old town...just no sidewalks lol.

everything sounds good at home. HAILEY IS NOT OLD ENOUGH FOR A BOY/GIRL PARTY!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO!?!?! haha good luck with that one.

anyways i dont even know when the date is for kenz. or what place. hmmmm swear to me that you will get a cardboard cut out. not playin. ;)

oh yeah, and i just remembered somthing elder ayers told me. i said hey, you wanna hear a joke?

- womens rights- E. Ayers

haha random.

well, we are going to go eat at in-n-out in a little bit, just gunna wait for Elder Ayers to get done. I love you all

love ty

ps i got a sweet hockey goalie callendar. half of it is in french

Monday, April 12, 2010

Letter from Elder Morrison

just thought i would send a pic of me and wiley. boy was that a fun ride to norco!

sounds like everything is going pretty good at home. i hope coltin feels better soon.

ok first off, my companion.

his name is elder ayers (airs) and he is from, in coltins words i suppose, the mother land.(canada) he is the youngest of 4 and the only one to serve a mission longer than 6 months. he has been out for about 13 months so he is on the downhill slope. he is really funny, and is workin on being obedient. we are doing pretty good, concidering we have no investigators. i have had about all the aboats i can handle hahaha. he is a good guy tho.

norco, horse town usa! i guess this place is famous. they love the horses more than people. they have no sidewalks, just horse trails. and that is the only way i know whether we are in corona or norco. we got sidewalks in corona.

at FHE last week, someone asked where i was from, and the lesson was going on. i said moses lake and this guy popped up from accross the room and was like NO WAY! his name is rick garcia and served 101/2 months in moses lake. he got home from his mission 2007 and i found out he went into the mission with elder piper. he knows andrew hyer and talks with him regularly it sounds like. he is takin us to icecream tonight i guess. but we talked all about people back at home. he knew a lot of my friends.

then we went to the Jones family because he is our ward mission leader. his son in law asked if i knew natalie jones. she married one of his roomates at college. what a small world it really is. another lady in the family ward served a couple months in yakima too. pretty crazy.

our homeshare is pretty cool. we live in a barn that has been made into an apartment. its pretty nice except the last couple elders were sloppy...and we still have dirty dishes because i refuse to clean theirs up. haha i went to the dollar store today and bought a bowl and silverware so i can have clean stuff. other than that its a pretty sweet set up.

when i got here, i saw our car that we are driving. can you say brand new 2010 malibu (tee) haha. its dang nice and it is my turn to drive this week. awesome!

thanks for the easter card! wow, am i spoiled or what. really, thank you. i just realized yesterday that i got to skip a fast sunday. in my last area, they had fast sunday the week after conference. and here they had it the week before. hahahaha. but i basically fasted yesterday. we were at church from 7:30 in the am, until 5 in the pm because we had a lesson there right after. normally we will be able to bounce at 4:15. still a pretty long day haha. so yep, all is well here.

singles ward is so dang funny! it is just like the one at home. i wish you could even reallize. i think i would prolly die at church for being there that long if there wasnt the enormous amounts of comic relief at singles ward. haha

well family, i love you all. i hope everything is going well.

Love T-huh Ty

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Letter from Elder Morrison

hey there,

sounds like the weekend was super fun. i kept tellin all my missionary buddies that you were all kickin it with grandma this weekend. it was weird to see a picture with grandma in her own house. and what the heck! why is hailey driving. crap, everyone off the roads.

well first things first, transfer calls came it 10 pm saturday evening. i am being transfered to Norco, CA. it is part of the Corona stake. IM OUTTA PERRIS!!!!! Wiley will be driving me there at 4 or so this afternoon.

i havent gotten an easter card because they have been holding mail because of the transfers. did you guys get the box i sent home? hope so. i was hoping it would get there before you left but yeah right. haha.

i didnt feel the earthquake that everyone is talking about. i guess it was a big one.

not much has happened this week. not much to report. i havent slept well for the past few days because i knew elder anderson was leaving and i thought i was going to be in perris another transfer so i was pretty much freeking out. but it was a great relief to find i was leaving. i was so happy and energetic that night. im really gunna miss some people here, but im glad to be switching things up.

in corona i will be covering a family ward in norco, and the singles ward in the corona stake. i heard both wards are some of the best in the mission. pretty excited about that.

oh yeah funny story. it was april first, you know what that means. elder schenck woke up at 5 am and snuck into our room and switched our clocks forward an hour. he also took our phone becuase he couldnt switch the time. i woke up at what i thought was 715, freaking out. "elder scheck! we all slept in!" he told me i had better get in the shower so we could all be ready to study at 8. i bolted into the bathroom and showered and shaved in about 4-5 minutes. i opened up the curtain and my towel and clothes were all gone. i opened the door and was yelling for E. Kidman to bring me a towel. his first words, where is the phone?? i said, flip kidman! i dont got no phone, i also have no towel or clothes, not real worried about the phone. haha so i got some clothes on and walked into the kitchen and realized that it was actually 630. i was ready for the day by the time i was normally just waking up. they got us pretty good. i then tried to throw a hand full of medimucil on elder schenck in the shower but our homeshare has little alarms on the windows that if they get bumped, they go off. he set one my the door in the bathroom and when i opened it, he heard the alarm, opened up the currtain and BOOM, threw a big old cup of water on me. pretty much i got worked pretty good that whole day. haha a night shortly before that day, i hid under elder andersons bed and he got in bed and didnt see me, so i reached up with my hand and he FREAKED OUT!!!!!! it was dang funny.

G-CON was pretty dang good. i did fall a sleep a couple times for a few minutes, but dang, i havent sat through that much church in a dang long time. the up side was that on sunday, we only had church for 4 hours instead of the usual 6.

well family i love you all, thanks for the emails.

Love ty

Off To The Races

Weigh-in starts in just a half hour. Kevakin and his Canadian Zamboni is ready and to go!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Welcome Home Sister Burch

It was a quick trip to Oakley but well worth it. After a year and a half passing without seeing Wilma's smiling face, it was nice to know she was home safe and sound.

This is a quick itinerary of our trip.


I got off work early (3:30pm) and hit the road. We hit a terrible storm around Baker and ended up traveling about 35mph for what seemed to be forever.

We arrived in Oakley around 2am, hugged Isoa (who was the only one awake) and we went to bed.


I didn't get up until about 9am or so.

We all visited with Grandma Burch for a while and then started getting some work done around the house.

Deb worked in the yard pulling weeds, trimming shrubs and cleaning cobwebs.

Creesh and Kevakin helped a little... (very little) but mostly kept Becky and Isoa's kids entertained.

Me & Isoa pulled video cable and helped the dish network tech hook up the satellite. After a few hours it was done.

Becky pretty much did hair the entire time. (hair cuts, colors, styles etc. even Kevakin got his hair frosted) She worked her butt off. By noon she had 4 heads of hair done. I still don't know how she did it?

Deb, Grandma and Becky went to town in the afternoon to do some shopping while Isoa and I went with Kevin and Grandpa Morrison golfing at the Ponderosa Par 3.

The wind was CRAZY. Nobody in their right mind would have attempted golf in that weather. Long story short... I won! All 18 Holes! (Eat your heart out Kevin!!!!)

After golf and shopping Kevin and Grandpa Morrison took off and left Isoa and I with Deb & Grandma to eat in Burley. Grandma bought a very nice dinner and fun was had by all. (Thanks Mom!!!)

Melvin, Bonnie & Family got in about 1:00 a.m. and we all went to bed.


Pretty much a work day on the farm.

We had 3, 4-wheelers with trailers (including Grandpa Morrison's who came to join in the fun).

We went along the fence line and pulled stumps, gathered garbage, and loaded rocks and twigs into a big pile.

John and Joshua pulled out fence posts with the front-end loader and the rest of us picked them up and put them on the trailer to haul off.

The wind didn't seem to stop. Still, I imagined that it could be 90 degrees with no breeze, suddenly the wind was a welcomed friend.

Deb fell on her butt and landed on a stump... Saturday morning she had a black bruise the size of a softball.

We took a break for lunch about two o'clock. (Bonnie made chicken salad sandwiches that were very good.)

After lunch me, Isoa, Creesh, Brindy, Kevakin, Skyler, Kelsey, Ozzy, Jale Cade and Walker picked up the last of the steel posts from the west end of the field and called it quits.

We finished just in time for a snow storm to blow in. everyone went in the house except ozzy, kevakin, skyler and jale cade who stayed outside to jump on the tramp and have a snowball fight.

Lorilee and Mackenzie got there about 9pm.

We visited for a bit and all went to bed by midnight (or there abouts)


I slept in until about 9 or so.

We mostly visited in the front room and watched becky do more hair. That poor girl just kept going.

Then, we watched conference until noon.

We went over to Morrison's to visit for a short time. KK, Christy, and Kerry were there.

We then took Brindy to Searle's to have some tater tots and pizza. The burch family dinner was planned for 4pm so we didn't want to eat too much, but felt the need to give Brindy the whole oakley experience.

Concretia drove the car for the first time. She did a great job and even got the "Oakley Wave" down when passing other cars.

I took all the little kids to Clarks and did the candy thing... you know how that goes... AWESOME!!

The 2pm session of conf didn't get listened to much at the house. The storm had blown snow on the satellite dish and we couldn't get any reception. The radio worked, but not good enough to compete with the kids.

Dinner at 4pm was good. Turkey, Salads etc. Felt like thanksgiving! WONDERFUL!

Gary & Lorraine joined us, but only for a short time.

Then, it was off to the priesthood session. The chapel in Oakley was packed. Kenz and I sat about 6 rows back in the cultural hall. I think we were the only ones in jeans. For sure I was the only one in tie dye.

The session was good. Loved the talk about how they called missionaries. I knew that was coming because Isoa had texted and told me about the talk. That is the one he translated for. Anyway, after priesthood we went back and watched Becky cut josh's hair, then called it a night.


We left for home about 9:30 or so after making the rounds and saying goodbye to everyone.

We followed Kenz in the Subaru to Burley and then parted ways.

The only problem was that part on the highway where it goes from 65mph to 55mph to 45mph.... Kenz was clocked doing 62 in a 45. A little pink ticket and $75 later he was on his way. Not a good way to start a happy easter morning.

We stopped at McDonalds and got some breakfast sandwiches and listened to conference on our way to toward Boise.

We hooked up with Spencer and Ruth in Ontario (they were coming back from a weeklong vacation in Utah visiting family).

The trip went pretty good until we hit tri-cities and the girls patients wore a little thin.

But now, we are home. It is time to get to bed and try to get enough rest to start a new week.

Thanks everyone for a good and memorable time. Welcome home Mom! Hope you recover from a family infested weekend. We look forward to doing it again real soon.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Creesh & Brindy's New Dresses

Creesh and Brindy sewed their own dresses today to fulfill one of their personal progress requirements. Nice Job Girls!!!

Letter from Elder Morrison

dear family,

First things first...

the oreo contest was SICK!!!!!! we each ate 42 oreos. elder kidman doesnt do stuff like that. but the other 3 of us did. i wanted to throw up so so so bad but couldnt get myself to. we took in 18,000 calories just from the oreos, plus the milk. needless to say, i hate oreos. during the week i thought i would be able to handle one and i put it in my mouth and almost barfed everywhere.another funny story. we started playing this game called the sandwich game. if you make a sandwich, cut it or bite it, then set it down without anything on top of it, it is fair game for someone to punch. elder anderson wouldnt set his sandwich down so i started eating his oranges out of his can and he put the sandwich down to stop me and BOOM BOOM BOOM! destroyed his samich. hahahah it was dang funny.

im so dang jealous that you all get to see grandma. everyone i live with has at the most 6 months left and getting the letters from grandma, all i hear is "im goin home". ah! only 19 and a half left hahahaha. tell grandma hello and i love her, and i will write her next week, not this p-day, we got a lot to do.

i might be transfered this next weekend. it could really go either way. i guess we will wait and see.

we had dinner with the Phillips this last week and i found out she was born in moses lake. she is related to all the duvalls. small world huh?

last tuesday we went and painted with the other missionaries at Wileys house. he had just gotten back from costa rica and had money to buy paint. he was leaving on thursday for france so we had to help him paint sometime inbetween those 3 days. it looks way nice now. they had graffitti everwhere in there so now it looks like a legit house haha. he also showed us upstairs where that murder took place. it was so crazy. it felt like i was monk. it was pretty obvious where everything happened, concidering there are holes in the walls the perfect shape of a head. there is even still a couple drips of blood in the room. it was kinda spooky but i guess ever since elder burton and i dedicated the home, or prayed over there, they havent been bothered by it. thank heavens for the priesthood. ;)

your never gunna guess what i found at the store shopping today.l.............INCA KOLA!!!!!!!! it is bein chilled in our fridge at the moment.

so i had a question for dad. how much do those little printers usually cost? the ones that print it off the sd card? i really want to print pictures off but i hate doing it at walmart because it just adds another thing to go and do on pday. plus its walmart. need i say any more? lol maybe you could look on ebay for me and see what you can find.

oo one more story. we went to teach our recent convert andre and one of their friends showed up. they invited him to listen in and he said sure. he had some dang good questions and as an end result, he said he would be baptized april 17th, 2010. the story is even cooler because we were an hour late for our appt. with them. if we werent late, he wouldnt have been able to make it to the lesson. i always knew there was something good about mormon standard time. i never really appreciated the fact that chandler was late to everything but it just goes to show, chandler knew what was goin down. haha so sweet.

well thats about all, send my love to all the family, i love you all. be safe,

love tu-ty

Monday, March 22, 2010

O Canada!

Just thought I'd post a picture of Kevakin during the off season. He really misses hockey!

Letter from Elder Morrison

hey family,

sounds like everything is goin way good at home! dad, sounds like your trip was a blast. that would be pretty tight.

everyone is growin up. pretty crazy stuff.

i was going to send some pictures home today, but i forgot my camera so i guess that will have to wait until next week. our baptism was pretty good. the member of the bishopric didnt show up until 10 after 4 and it was supposed to start at 4. only 1 person in the ward was there besides the 2 that were on the program. President and Sister Reeves were there though! that was way cool. we also and Diana and Beatrice there as well. i really hope those two decide to be baptized. and there is another twist to the baptism. ELDER BURTON CAME!!! Yay! haha it was so good to see him. at transfers, he was transfered to Murrieta, but now is in riverside as an office assistant! that was so cool to find out. it was a breath of fresh air to be able to talk to him. we all think that they got him to be an OA because the mission office is moving and Burton is freakin huge and can lift stuff haha. he is doing really good though.

i also found out that President Reeves' family are funeral directors haha. lookie there.

i was shocked when mom sent me the newspaper in the mail. that is so sad, i was like no no no no no no. and then i read the police reports and laughed pretty hard haha. he was a good guy though, that's for sure.

can you believe we are starting week 5 of this transfer already? this transfer has gone by pretty fast. zoom ZOOM zoom. i got about a 50\50 chance at bein transfered. i have been in perris a while, but the work is finally starting to pick up. it could really go either way. i think that i would be fine with either.

here in about 2 hours we are going to be having an oreo eating contest. we are seeing who can eat a package of double stuffs the fastest. dunno how well that will go, im just glad i already bought milk. ;)

last week, we went on zone leader exchanges because i am DL-B. lol but i got to go with elder anderson in his area. he has an expired licence...ipso-facto...i got to drive the zone leader truck! it was pretty nice not to sit in the passenger side and get crazy car sick. that was a really good day.

durring the week we went to go check on a less active family, about 15 miles away. we had to treck through dirt roads in mountains to get there. it was pretty crazy but they are really cool people.

welp, thats aboot all i can think of to write. i love you guys and miss you each and everyday.

much love,


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Another Puck Stays Out of the Net

What A Weekend!

In a five game tournament, the Moses Lake Warriors ended up with the 3rd place trophy at the Moscow Idaho Squirt Classic. Kevakin played well and ended the season with a "W" beating Moscow 4-3.

After missing half the season due to a stubborn medical problem, he was able to prove to the team he was worth waiting for.

Comments were made by other coaches and team members that Moses Lake had the best goalie in the tournament. Call me bias, but I would have to agree!

Congrats to the boys on a successful season!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Letter from Elder Morrison

holy flip! your weekend sounded way better than mine! gosh, i so wish i could have seen that game. could you just picture me screamin and yellin! dang! nice job coltin. way to kick trash. those a re some great pictures. im pretty sad i missed all of that, but look at the bright side, only one more season to miss. i have been thinkin about hockey a ton lately. im gunna miss the youth team. its gunna take some getting used to again when i get back. not that that is anywhere near but thats ok.i got an email from chandler, he is comin on down here to cali as well! i think parker called that one too. i wish he was coming to the riverside mission but hey, you win some you lose some.thanks for the package mom and dad. it was good to get. im gunna start doin those exercises in the mornings. we have been running quite a bit and im pretty much a push-up champion. that is unless elder schenck starts putting his 40 pound weights on my back, then i start slowin down haha. the grateful guitar cd is bomb! i love that cd, i have listened to it in the car a couple of was elder burtons birthday last week so elder anderson and i sent him a card. the card said,"happiness is like peeing your pants. everyone can see it, but only you can feel its warmth" i thought it was a dang funny one. i cant remember if i told you that or not. oh well i guess you get to hear it again.Andre Hill was baptized on the 2nd of march, and confirmed yesterday. it was so great to be able to teach him a couple times and watch him be baptized. we are going to start the new member lessons this week.we have yet another baptism coming up. an 11 year old of a part member family. alan sierra has decided he wants to be baptized so he can go on a mission. his family is being reactivated as well. great to see happen. we also have a couple other potential baptisms this month but it will most likely not go down until next i cant remember if i told you or not about one of our investigators kids. her sons name is tupac and her daughters name is tokyo. haha if i told you that already sorry but i mean come on, who names their kid tupac. welcome to california.things are alright with the new comp. i miss burton quite a bit. their personalities are complete opposites. so that is pretty hard to work with but we are doin work. our homeshare got upset because i guess our closets werent organized? im not sure how much more they could be. got white shirts, suits, pants and ties. sweatshirts up top and shoes on the ground. hmmm. good to know he is checkin the closets though.i gotta give a talk on sunday in the perris ward. elder kidman was really excited about it and volunteered me to talk. so there you have it. as of right now, he has 4 typed pages and continues to work on it. i have a couple hand written lines. im sure glad im goin first. i will make him fill many a i set a goal while i was in the shower 2 days ago. i decided i was going to finish th ebook of mormon this month. i was in 2 nephi 20. i was planning on finishing jacob yesterday but our meeting with brother hodge took a while. rats. guess i will have to pick up double time. isnt the book of mormon a great book? bet you thought you would have never heard me say any book was good. haha.well i guess that i will head off now. i send my love, thank you for all your support.

love elder morrison

ps 3 more days and i have been away from home for 4 months.

one other thing, could you give me kylee;s address? better yet, tell her to write me a letter so i can have it. carlie has written me a couple. family letters are sweet.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Letter from Elder Morrison

hey fam!

wow coltin! nice job! that will be so sweet to play with you again. only about 20 more months haha.well i guess i will tell you about my comp. he is from Logan Utah, and has been out 17 months. he has sculliosus and cant be on bike. he is the oldest of 6. he is a little goofy but thats ok haha. there is some stuff that he does that drives me bonkers but thats alright. gotta learn to deal with it.i honestly thought that a car would be super sweet, however, i do not like it. its nice when its raining but i just dont like it. we dont get to talk to near as many people and we have to constantly worrie about miles. so i was wondering if you ever found anything out on my physical therapy exercises? and could you send me my return with honor ring? if not its our appt. with ashley fell through, she wasnt there, shocker. as far as diana and beatrice, haha she forgets everything and is so funny to teach. but they sound as though they want to get baptized, just wont pick a date yet. but are you ready for some more shocking news? MY FIRST BAPTISM! haha when we took over other area, they were teaching a kid named Andre Hill. we taught him some comandments and committed him to be baptized. he said yes on the 2nd. tomorrow we will be holding his baptism at 7 pm. im really excited for that. the two lessons we tought to him were at brother Miles' house (coun. in bishopric) around a camp fire. he has the craziest swimmingpool ever. its so nice i was bummed i couldnt swim in it. he said its the largest built in riverside county in the last 5 years, as far as backyard swimmingpools go. its about 4 times as big as kales. and it wraps around a hug rock that they turned into a waterfall. pretty nuts.well, thats about all. its pretty crazy tryin to figure out the new area, even more so since they didnt keep good tabs in the area book. some teaching records dont have an address or a phone number. that sucks. haha

Love you all, thanks for the email.

Love elder morrison

Monday, February 22, 2010

Letter from Elder Morrison

sounds like things are going a lot better up there. i am a little sad that coltin was goin for can. i think that he should have been rootin for the us. but i miss the olympics so much! i keep hearin about all that is goin on and i am like come on! it was pretty sad aboot that guy that died on the luge. i keep tellin people i wish i could watch curling and they all just make fun of me. haha oh well.

well do i have some news for you.

transfer calls came in saturday night. we all knew burton was leaving, but there is a pretty big twist. the elders in the perris ward got doubled out. me and my new companion, elder kidman, are now coving the lake perris ward, as well as the perris ward. that covers all of perris, mead valley, nuevo, and romoland. its safe to say that our area has bout 60,000 people in it. and i get a car. burton is going to murrieta and is on bike,,,,again haha.

im pretty worried, about takin on 2 areas, but we will do fine. this is what the Lord wants, im game.

i got an anouncement from zack. that was so cool to hear. let him know that i say congrats!

so i felt my first earthquake!!!i was going to tell you last week but i forgot,. it was so sweet. just a small one but hey, i felt it. one other cool thing i have forgot to mention. there is an airforce base here and fighter planes fly around all the time. it is so cool seein them in formation.

not much has gone on here. we keep tractin, and we have 4 investigators. 2 of which are not progressing, but are probably the coolest people i know here. one is in her late 60;s and her mom (97) lives wither her and has alsheimers or however you spell it. we walked in and she said who are you boys?

i said"mormon missionaries"

she-" oh i was mormon a long time ago!"

5 min later*

she said who are you boys?

i said"mormon missionaries"

she-" oh i was mormon a long time ago!"

so flippin funny!

one other investigator is recovering from cancer. he is stuck on the pain pills, and his parents dontknow so he has been having a rough time. i think that he talked to them a couple days ago so i hope that went well, everytime we go to see him, he is sleeping. we will keep tryin.

miracle experience- a while ago elder burton set up a return appt with a J-Dub and i knew it was just going to be a bash. so we went there on that day and he wasnt there, so we tracted in that area. we went to a door, opposite side of where we were tracting, to one house, at that house ashley answered. she was very very excited and wants to learn a lot more. i hope that feeling continues onto tomorrow when we have our appt.

well that is about it. a less active in our ward works at In-n-out and gave burton and i shirts. suh-weet! haha they love us. it always seems like the less actives love the missionaries way more. haha.

i know you dont hear much from kenz but how is that whole situation goin? sounds like he is doin fine. i havent heard from cole or marshall or chandler in a long while. but thats ok, they got lots of things goin on. im so glad to hear everyone's papers are in. i am very glad to hear josh is gettin his papers goin.

well i love you all family. take care, i will be calling in only 3 more months. *crazy*

much love

Elder Morrison

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Go Canada !

Coltin can't remember being born in Moses Lake, Washington... USA!
He has Olympic Fever tonight getting ready for the USA vs CANADA hockey game.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Letter from Elder Morrison

Hey family!

well lets start off with what we did today. we just got back from another amazing hike. if you look at my old pictures, the mountain that is right next to the one we climbed last time, the much bigger and more crazy mountain, is the one that we climbed this time. we made really good time, but my legs are super dead and tired. i still have to bike all week. we have been averaging 17 miles a day or so.\

well sounds like coltin is getting better. that is way cool. i hope creesh is starting to feel better. elder anderson is sick and he has been sounding really bad. he had to do a confermation sunday as well. he is a great missionary. we wont hear about transfers until saturday, but there is a very good chance i will stay and take over the area and burton will leave. elder worthen will most likely leave because he has been here for a very long time.

well idk i f you remember me talking about Juanita and Nick, a couple investigators that we had. well we went over to there house thursday for our appt. and they dropped us like a hot rock. OWCH!!!! MY LEG JUST CRAMPED UP!!! ok anyways, that was pretty hard. so now we have 3 investigators. none of which i see getting baptized any time soon. we continue to tract, and yeah. keep on keepin on, just like dad said.

Thanks for the Package! i already ate all the potatoes and candy. it was dang good. i havent tried on my pants but im sure they will be just grand! i also got a package from christy, grandma and jen and kaitlin put one together for me as well. all the other missionaries are getting mad because i get a ton more mail than them. but they never write anyone back so its is there own fault.

well i had a couple things i was goin to tell you but i dont have my planner that has my list in it....hmm....oh yes, i was wondering if you could talk to brother bruce and see if you could get my physical theropy exercises so i can do those in the morning. if not, i guess i will just make it up.

yesterday while tracting, we tracted into an inactive member and she wanted her baby blessed because it was pretty sick. we couldnt go in because no male was in the house. so we did it right there on the door step. that was pretty crazy.

hmm. well i think that is all. i cant really remember, and im tired beyond belief so i cant really think. i hope all is well, cant wait for those copies dads gunna send me. i love new stuff. haha. wellp, i love you all. cant wait to hear from you again,

Love Tuh-Ty

Monday, February 8, 2010

well hey fam,

crazy how fast this week went by. we are now starting our 5th week in this transfer and that means i have almost been out for 3 months. just like mom said, where has the time gone? i cant believe that grandma is almost done. ya think she is getting "trunkie?"

sounds like the football game was good. superbowl sunday might as well been christmas. elder burton and i went tracting for a few minutes but found out quickly people were busy and upset we were even there. so we knocked on some doors a and quit. i did however knock on a door to hear the score haha.

sounds like the house is a lot different now. you will have to send me some pics of their rooms. toy story is so sweet. every p-day we listen to disney music. and i wanna watch disney movies so bad!

i hope kenz is doin well. forgot all about you huh? i cant believe that he would leave before the super bowl. how terrible.

well lets talk about the investigators real fast. Stephanie = bum. haha she dropped us and doesnt want to learn. she got antied pretty bad.

"new suit Ray" and his wife jeannie came to church yesterday. they stayed for all 3 meetings and are very close to baptism. i am so excited. she signed up to feed us dinner on the 20th and i think we are going to ask her to be baptized on the 21st. still prayin for a date though.

i didnt get to teach the russians because we were on zone leader exchanges that day and i went with elder worthen to his spanish area and anderson went to the lake perris ward. it made it nice to live together still. hahah didnt have to pack up or nothin.

on that exchange day elder worthen had to go get his truck fixed. we dropped it off and went to district meeting. after district meeting we decided to start walking to lunch. we were in sun city so yeah. we walked a couple miles and happened to walk past red robin. what went though our heads? "just got the msf cards refilled, RED ROBIN<> YUM!" haha so bonzi burger it was. then we walked and walked and walked. until 530 when we got a corola because the truck was gunna be there over night.

Elder anderson's birthday was two days ago. while he and elder burton were studying, elder worthen and i snuck out the back door, in the pooring rain, and went to a gas station to get some drinks and a hostes birthday pie. haha he is a great guy and i hope he had an enjoyable birthday.

so do you remember that guy Wiley Fulmer i was talkin about a while ago? well he rides pro freestyle motorcycle. he is way cool but in-active. he said he wanted to come to church last week but he was in panima and he jumped 165 feet. insane. when we walked in his house that day his bike was just in his living room haha. he signed a poster for me so i will send you a pic of that.

so on a random note, i had a realization that The Lord has really blessed me here in perris. because there is not one good looking girl here hahahahahahahahahahaha. it was a good way to get me into missionary mode. ;)

my steak was actually pretty good, considering i had no bbq to use, no seasonings besides salt and pepper. it was really juicy and it was a ribeye. turned out pretty good.

well i love you guys, thanks for the support. just keep on keepin on.


Elder "maverick" Morrison

Monday, February 1, 2010

Letter from Elder Morrison

Well hey there family,

sounds like you guys had a crappy week. i cant add much to that statement. elder burton and i have tracted everyday for ever. been tryin but all those days and tracting wears on elder burton pretty bad. but we will keep on keepin on. so i dont remember if i told you about stephanie. last saturday we met her tracting and she wanted to come to church. she came the next day and stayed for all 3 meetings and cried during sacrament meeting. she even signed up to clean the building. we had an appt with her on thursday at 2. however at 9 she called us and said she wasnt ready to learn about the church. poopie. oh well. we did however get 2 new investigators this last week, from russia. we just ordered 3 russian BOM's. pretty sweet. ok im sure i have talked about ray and jeannie. ray was going to come to curch for the first time last week (Jan 24). him and jeannie didnt show up. monday jeannie called us and told us that ray had something to tell us next time we met. so we were freaking out because we thought they were going to drop us. we got there and found out that ray went and bought a suit for church, was all ready to go, but couldnt tie his tie. i was like what the HECK!!!! hahah but they invited us for dinner this last week and everything. they are by far my favorite to go see now.

Heads up for kenz and julie. i started listening to "julies church mix's" and elder anderson got ahold of em. that cd is on its way to circulating around all the mission. pretty tight.

i was wondering if you guys had gotten coles address yet so i can write him back. it has been a while.

also i have something to send to gary armstrong so i was wondering if you could get me his address as well.

at the store this morning i bought a steak to cook. dunno how it will turn out but im hoping it goes well haha. well fam, that is about all i can think to write. i hope things go better for you all. happy birthday mom.


Elder Morrison

Monday, January 25, 2010

hey fam!

ah i cant believe i missed his birthday. i kept telling the missionaries that you all loved neil diamond and then they had to bring up saving silverman. haha great show. sounds like superbowl is gunna be fun. im really gunna mis that one. i was hopin that the vikings would get there. thats kinda a bummer.
i hope things are going better for mackenzie. i hope that he enjoys utah. im not sure i would but that is just me. maybe ghaha.

man coltin, maybe they should just cut it off. that would solve a lot of problems. i do suppose that might cause a couple more in the future.

say hi to elder card for me. that is way cool. such a goober. ;)

well this week has been pretty crazy. it has rained, and rained and rained. there has been a lot of flooding goin on. but it stopped the other day and like the next day everything was dry again. crazy.
the worst part is that since we dont have a lot of people to teach, we have been tracting for ever. one of those days we were tracting, we had to cross a river of water in the street to get to a house. we tested it first,(our shoes were already soaked) and it was only about 3 inches deep. then boom! burton stepped into a ditch and it was up to his mid thigh. i almost peed laughing. we have been tracting a lot with the zone leaders. we zebra tract and it was made it a little better. they are great guys. make it a lot of fun. saturday elder anderson and i were tracting together and we knocked on a door and a grandma answered. she was strongly against it but her grand daughter(28) was listening to us while we talked. we left with no success and went the next house. the grand daughter, stephanie came out side and said hey i have a question. anderson was talking to someone so i went over there. she said she wanted to learn moreand wanted to know where the church was. we told her and she came to church and we have another appointment with her on wednesday.

some other investigators are doing well. infact the rest of them. only 4 but they are obeying the word of wisdome. even though they have really bad headaches from giving up coffee.

well i dont remember if i told you about the murder house and how we went over to pray. a guy named wiley fulmer( a professional motocross rider, slash the guys that do flipps and crazy crap) asked us to come by. he is lds, but way inactive. he says we can come kick it any time so we might go race rc cars over there today. he is way tight, but needs some direction haha.

well i dont have much else to say. i love you all and hope things are goin well at home.

remember the church is true and dont let no one tell you otherwise. pray as a family. dont miss a night.

love you
ELder Maverick Morrison