Saturday, May 5, 2007

Haystack Rock

Today was a great day! We went to Warrenton to pick up some shoes for Tyler, Creesh & Kevakin. While there we decided to go to Fort Stevens for a while and horse around. Then we went back to Seaside to eat at "Big Foot".
We then went to two different locations just south of Cannon Beach. The picture of the family was taken at Haystack Rock and the one of Kevakin & Creesh holding hands was taken about 3 miles north of Hug Point.
Tomorrow will be breakfast at Doogers and then spend low tide time (8:35) at Hug Point.

1 comment:

mom and dad said...

what a fun bunch. Need that picture so I can put it in the books. Be sure to send this email ok? When do you start for home? Have a great night. love to you all, mom and grandma