Thursday, September 13, 2007

Letter From Elder Morrison

alright, so the address i'm at now is12 San Miguel Apt. BSt. Charles, MO 63303if it's letters though, just send it to the mission office. they'll forward it, and it will just be easier to keep track of mail that way. that address is745 Craig Rd. Ste 306Creve Coeur, MO 63......look it up. you should have it anyways. so my companion is from West Wendover, NV. he's just one of those people that dont show much emotion and doesnt smile much. he hears from people all the time that they dont like him, that he's not good enough, and whatnot. so it makes it difficult to be motivated as a companionship. in fact just yesterday one of the members wrote a letter to Elder Durham and said that she was concerned about him, and that kindof makes him upset. mom, i'm glad you know me so well that you called my first area chesterville......its chesterFIELD. and St. Pete's is about a half hour or so northwestish from chesterfield. you probably could look it up on a map, if you wanted to. today i got to see cousin anderson. we went over to his area and played some roller hockey. unfortunately, their skates werent workin out for me, so i played some goalie on foot. our team won like 20-8. the teams werent very fair though, i'll admit. so that was conference is tomorrow, so that should be a good time. as far as investigators go, we've got an unmarried couple w/ 3 kids (who have both been in trouble with the law before) that live in our apartment complex. they're slowly progressing, but we'll see how they do in keeping their commitments and by doing that, progress. we also have another investigator. her name is Kayla, and she's my main focus right now. she's progressing well. we're up through the Atonement in lesson 2 ( you can look up where that is in Preach my Gospel, Ch. 3). when we taught about the atonement, she started to cry, which was very hard for her. in her family life and such, she has to have a hard outer shell and act like things dont affect her. but really, she's a sweet girl who has a soft and repentant heart. she just needs to realize that. she does have some issues to overcome before baptism, (drinking, smoking, immorality?, drugs?) and we dont know all the specifics, but i think she'll overcome those when she gains a stronger testimony. well, you'll probably be getting a package from me here pretty soon, as i'm going to get a Sega Dreamcast for free from one of the missionaries who got it for free and doesnt want it. also i might hit up slackers for some cheap gamegear games. the bike is still kicking my butt, but i'm doing better. it doesnt help that this place has TONS of hills, and quite a few BIG hills. just for imagery, take inglewood, double it, and then put that back to back so it's like going down twice the size of inglewood, and then up it, and then do it again.
if you're really dying to send me stuff, i can make a suggestion. cd's are great. if you can find the 2007 EFY cd and make a copy, i'd love you for it. also like disney with the good songs from like Mulan and Hercules and stuff. we got to have dinner with Jeanne's sister again and Jeanne and her husband came and picked us up in St. Peters. that was really nice to see her again. she says she loves hearing from you. dad, i'd appreciate it if you still had that mitt romney email talking about laymans terms as well as lemuels, i'd like you to send it to me. also if you get any good ones from finley or something, that would be cool. well, i'm about out of things to tell you. i hope you're all doing well. remember to read your scriptures (as a family too) and to say your prayers. i appreciate all the prayers in my behalf. i love you all, and miss being home with you all. Love you, Elder Morrison

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