Thursday, December 13, 2007

TIE : Us - 7 Them - 7

I can count on my hand how many Wyoming Cowboy fans I know and like. Well here is another example why...
Number 21 just graduated from Wyoming where he played hockey, and recently moved to Moses Lake.
This picture shows my "awesome gloveside save" from the cowboy shot. Here is the problem.... not enough of my efforts resulted in saves. I was scored on 7 times last night. 6 of the 7 goals were made by the cowboy. Maybe he will move back.


Kevin said...

see that water bottle you have on the net? time, when he gets close just quirt it in his eyes....only put lemon juice in the bottle.

great pictures.

mom and dad said...

Wow Kevin sounds wicked. How long does your season go for the hockey? Sure would like to see you guys play. If I can stand the blood and the broken bones. Thanks for the update. Hope you are in one piece to come for new years. Love mom

christy jensen said...

Don't let it get ya down big brother. You'll get em next time.