Friday, December 7, 2007

We're back

After a week of re-doing, re-painting, re-fixing, re-frogging and re-organizing, the house is nearly back together. We still have some door trim to paint and a front room to organize, but the computer is up and running now. So now I can at least post Mackenzie's last email. He writes in this email as if he sent pictures. But he didn't!

i cant believe how fast time has flown since i got into sullivan. its already been 2 weeks since thanksgiving. and you dont have the lights up? that IS unnormal. well, anyways, this week has been a good one. we had our branch Christmas party this week, on saturday. we had a good time. i have a picture of me and elder anglesey with santa here. so that was fun. we also signed up to decorate a table for the party, and there's a picture of that also. the tree was a dollar (yeah, only a dollar) and then we spray-painted it silver. then we hung book of mormon ornaments on it that we made from pass-along cards, and then a couple pictures of ourselves on it, with Christ at the top, made from pass-along cards. we thought it was pretty sweet.
we also put up lights in our apartment. its really sweet. we got blue and white ones, and then at the Meramec Mission (where we do service) they had lights for 50 cents a strand (because we get 50% off), so we bought like 4 of them. there's lights around all the walls in the main part of the apartment now. i'll have to take a video of it so you can see it all. we've also made a goal to listen only to Christmas music until Christmas. so far we're lasting pretty well, but it's probably only a matter of time until one of us breaks. lol. at least we have some fun.
as for the work, things are going well. we still have 3 dates for this month. we got a couple referrals at the Christmas party who are going to be solid. possibly baptized this transfer. its pushing it, but it might happen. the girl wants to go to the temple. i'd say that's pretty solid. we also have a few potentials, so we're excited about that.
well, that's about it. hope the ice gets better, and i'd like some pictures. that'd be nice.
love you and miss you
Elder Morrison

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