Monday, January 14, 2008

Letter from Elder Morrison

well, another week goes by, and 3 days until i turn 8! that snow fort looks pretty sweet. it's probably one of the best i have ever seen. i love how everyone is saying 'its weird changing times for church'. so far i've changed times 3 times in the last 8 months. 4 if you count the MTC. this week has been pretty good. we set 2 baptismal dates this week, with Julie and Sarah, who are the 16 and 12 year old sisters. we taught them the plan of salvation, and i think they got it pretty well. they're going to make great members of the church one day. the others we're working with are going a little slower, and things keep coming up. so we're going to have 2 baptisms this transfer.
things are going pretty well besides that. Elder Heath claims Frazier Park, CA, but moved to Linden, UT before the mish. i dont know what else to tell you about him. i'm kinda wondering how transfers will play out, but that's another 4 weeks away.
i havent gotten the pants yet. but i've put on a little weight again, so i dont know if they'll fit. hopefully they will. we're starting a diet today though, so hopefully i'll be dropping some here in a while. it's basically a 'limit portions and get rid of bad stuff' diet. we can pretty much control that since we're only getting fed like once, maybe twice a week. well, i dont really have any other pictures to send this week, havent taken many. i am getting all my pictures put on cds for you though, so you can have them all.
as far as dad's questions, already answered the comp and pants ones, and yes i talk to jeanne every 1-2 weeks. we have zone conference in Chesterfield on wednesday, and we're going to stop by to see her real quick. she said she has a birthday present for me and i have her Christmas present, so i'll have to give that to her.
sounds like the hockey is still going really good. i'm really missing playing, and even just skating. there's not a rink in my district even to my knowledge. but since there's been too much p-day disobedience (like people going from columbia to warrenton in a mission car, look at a map) we've been restricted to our areas for p-day. so it's just me and Elder Heath for every day except zone conference and combined district meetings. and of course district meetings.
it's really really really good to hear that Donna is taking the lessons. i hope you take every opportunity to go over with Elder Roholt and his comp to teach her. she'd make a great member,and she (just like everyone else) needs and will greatly benefit from the Gospel.
well, i guess i'll sign off now. love you much, and pray for you all daily.
Elder Morrison

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