well, it sure has been another week. i cant believe May just decided to come up. it's like i just got here 2 weeks ago. we do have transfer info though, and Elder Thomas is going to be transferred. he will be training in florrisant, which is close to st. louis. i'll be getting Elder Parkinson, who has been out about 6 months. this week has been somewhat productive. we had some really good lessons with Jonathan and Christina. they are very sincere, and are asking very sincere questions. we had stake conference this weekend, so i dont know if they were there or not. there were a lot of people. it was a really good conference though. we had some really good talks by the stake leaders, as well as the st. louis temple prez/wife and president and sister turley. presiding at the meetings was Jay E. Jensen of the Seventy. he was a really good speaker. there was a lot of talks on spiritual healing and emotional healing. it was way good. we've been in Columbia for the last 3 days to save miles. with stake conference over 2 days, and p-day the next, there was no sense in driving back to boonville (25 miles each way).
this week there was a big festival in boonville, too. they had some live music (in a place about the size of noon moon (when it was open) and a bunch of kids activities. they also opened the old county jail from like the 1800s for tours and such. me and elder thomas took our own tour, and got some good pics.
sounds like coltin did pretty dang good at the derby. i really like the picture of him playing derby on mac n' cheese. that sounds like something missionaries would do. except we wouldn't have that many boxes.....lol.
so the missionaries there just call and say 'we're hungry'? wow, they have some guts. there's no way i could do that out here. maybe it's just different back home than out here. but that is sad that donna moved out. you'll have to let me know about the new neighbors.
as for tyler, holy crap! have you cut your hair since i left? looks like you're enjoying the high school life. you'll have to write me about the prom date, and all that good stuff.
so amanda came over huh? we've been writing still, and we're getting to be really good friends. of all people i wouldnt have imagined i would stay in touch with her. but i'm really glad i have. i didnt send you that skirt pic because i either forgot about it, forgot my card at the library that week, or was at a library i couldnt send it, and so i forgot about it. that's pretty cool she stopped by though. i got a couple pics in here. one is in the car last night. clockwise, starting with me, its me, elder thomas, elder jones, and elder cloward. i'll also send you a video of when we were driving and had a couple guitars in the car. elder jones and elder cloward were playing the back seat. i think you'll like it. but that will come from gmail.
well, i think that's about all for this week. i guess i'll talk to you on sunday, and i'll probably call around 1 your time. i say around, give or take a half hour, so you dont get mad at me if it's not on the dot. cant wait!
love you,
Elder Morrison
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