Monday, May 26, 2008

Letter from Elder Morrison

hey family. it's been a pretty good week. i guess i'll start off with the spiritual experience that happened this week. we were out tracting and were crossing a street. a guy crossed after us going another way. i had the impression "that guy needs to be contacted". so i turned around and contacted him. it turns out that he's in the same position as young Joseph Smith. very confused about religion, and is trying to find the right one. he was very excited about the message of the restoration, and we'll be teaching him more this week. his name is jason.
well, i'm really missing spring-fest. i'm really excited to be able to go next year. no fun run for me though. good job ty and kevin with that. no way i could keep up with that. it's hard to find some exercise that wont hurt my knees too much. we've been getting on the bikes a bit lately, but we're staying away from it the last couple days due to rain. today, we gave up part of our p-day to help brother ward and brother reynolds put some tin roofing on brother reynolds's house. it's a heck of a job, and they would have been up a creek without a paddle without us today. elder parkinson was able to climb all over the roof pretty well, and me and brother reynolds were cutting peices. brother reynolds just turned 81, but he's pretty able with that stuff for his age. i'm also pretty stoked about the waterpark. i'm way excited to get on that and give it a whirl. ty looks like he's doing pretty well on it. are they not letting people stand up?
you're gonna have to show me a picture of the new car. in st. louis, gas is up over 4 bucks, but we're lucky out here. it's only 3.69 :-P well, summer is definitely coming up on us quick out here. the humidity is already getting way uncomfortable, just like when i first got into missouri. we had a day in the 90s on sunday. that was not fun at all. the church building was way hot too. luckily, we'll have our own building in july hopefully. i'm pretty glad i only have one summer left. i'll be getting home before it gets way bad out here.

well, i guess i'm about out of stuff to say. hopefully i have some good stories for you next week. love you!

Elder Morrison

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