Monday, July 14, 2008

Letter from Elder Morrison

well, another week down is right. we've had a pretty busy week, but not necessarily with appointments. again, we've done a bunch of service. i got trained a little bit in carpentry this week. as well as the usual construction, plus a little farm work, and moving. nothing like working up a sweat like you can never have in WA...before noon! it's been pretty dang muggy the last few days. we had a little rain, but the time before the rain and right after the rain are soooooo humid. no fun there. our work this week consisted of building bookshelves with an investigator, Jerry, also putting sheetrock on a 10 foot ceiling with Brother Ward, moving another member's stuff, and moving/putting up a fence for an investigator, Leslie. it's been a pretty 'work-hard' week. lots of good things have started to happen as well. i may have told you about the lady named Christina that we were teaching. after a while we couldnt contact her and left it up to her to call us. well, that was about 6 weeks ago, if not longer. this week, Elder Parkinson and i had this thought to go see her. we didnt know what to say, and we didnt know how we'd go about talking with her, but we knew we should go see her. we went by, and she invited us right in. we sat down, and talked for a few minutes, and then she told us that wasnt a really good time, but that she'd like to set up another time for us to come back. we have a return appointment tomorrow, and we're way excited. we've also been playing basketball with a guy named jason, who is a friend of a member here. he's been asking Jessica (the member) questions about the church, and now we're working into teaching him. and Leslie hasnt been taught in over 3 months, but now she's meeting with us again. the Lord is really working with us as we've been serving. i think that is what has really been helping. obviously, there is still a TON to be done, but things are starting to roll, and you gotta start somewhere. the bike isnt treating me too well, or maybe it's just the amount of service we're doing, but my knees have been suffering a bit lately with some stiffness and the like. i think i'm going to buy one of those knee straps that is for osgood-schlatter's, and just wear it under my pants. maybe that would help. one day it actually was hard for me to get up some stairs. i had to do it slowly. i dont know what will happen, but our president's interviews are this week, so i'll talk to him about that. sounds like the reunions went well, and that dad is teaching that there shouldnt be gender discrimination. if a girl wants to pee on the grass, then i guess that's alright. lol. i'm really glad that you guys have showed compassion to those people. i know they appreciated it very much, and if there's anything i've learned on my mission, it's that you simply cannot help someone and still be in a bad mood. it cant be done. so many times, especially in this area, i have been discouraged, and in a bad mood, but then we'll find someone to help, and i feel so much better. serving and helping someone out is also a really good 'in' to share the gospel. when people see you care about them, they'll want to listen to what you'll say. speaking of which, have the missionaries taught you what to say? if not, i'd highly suggest you get your missionaries to go over the first lesson with you, with the 'restoration' pamphlet. get to know it, so you'll have that info on hand if you are called to share it. seriously, it's really something you need to know. well, i guess this week, being wednesday, i'll have been out for 14 months. time lately has just gone by like crazy. i cant believe i've already been in this area for that long. the wards are going to be moving to Kelso next month, and they told me when i get home and engaged that they better receive an invitation. lol. they've become really good friends, and i'll probably stay in contact with them for a long time. have you heard from Jeanne much lately? i talked to her about a week or 2 ago, and she said she had heard from you, but i know that she really really really appreciates your emails. well, i guess that's all for this week. i hope you guys have a good week, and i'll type at you next week. love you!Elder Morrison

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