"...and when hell freezes over we'll play hockey there too!"
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
...so look all around you for somebody who, is smiling and happy, my goodness it's you -- happy birthday Kevakin !
Creesh went shopping at the dollar store and found Kevakin the perfect present. All he really wanted was dinner at the local Mexican restaurant so he could eat the cherry off the sopapia and wear the sombrero (or as Deb calls it... "the mexican lice hat"). He got everything he wanted. ¡Feliz cumpleaƱos Kevakin!
Happy Birthday Kevakin! We love you! It was fun to see you at the reunion! :)
Like father like son, but where is the tye dye? Dam! Feliz Cumplianos con pulgas y todo!
Love the shells! You can wear it with the lovely swimming suit you had on at grandma's house.
what a cutie. Happy Birthday to you Coltin. We love you lots. grandma and grandpa
Happy belated Kevakin!!!!
Wish I was there with you to celebrate!
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