Monday, August 18, 2008

Letter from Elder Morrison

well, it's been a pretty good week. while our numbers were pretty low, things are going really well. me and elder grayson are getting along now, and i dont know what fixed it, and i dont know what the main problem was, but we get along great now. now that we got that all worked out, it's time to get to work! i'm really excited about a few investigators we have. one is a young mother, possibly has a husband, and has 2 kids. she seemed pretty interested, and as soon as we can get an appointment, i think things will start rolling with her. we have a less-active member that really wants to get back into the church. she has 2 kids, 8 and 9 that are not baptized, and so the 9 year old will be under our stewardship. so we will probably be setting a baptismal date this week or next. real excited about that one.
this week we've done almost no service, which is really odd. in fact, i was almost at a loss of what to do. this week, we'll plan a lot better on using our time, without planning service. but if service comes up, we sure wont turn it down.
the wards came back to boonville to finish cleaning up their stuff and hauling what they could back to wyoming. they found a house in cheyenne, and are apparently doing great. brother reynolds will leave this week and then we'll be the only ones in the house. i found out it's only 5,000 sq. ft., not 8,000. but still, way huge for only 2 people. brother ward said someone is interested in buying the house, so at this transfer we're getting kicked out. prez turley said to start looking for another place, because i think he wants to keep us here another transfer.
we finally moved into our new building for church this week. it's really nice. there's so much room! lol. compared to other branches our size, we have i think double the room than we should. we got an electric piano, which we're excited about, as well as a potium with speakers in it. i'll have to get a picture next sunday. since we're leasing this space for a few years, it wont be dedicated, so i can take pictures. it's not completely finished, but hopefully it will be by next week. we'll be having an open house for the public in the later part of september, which the stake presidency wants to keep us here for that at least, hence the one more transfer.
this week, we had our zone conference, and in preparation for it, we had a special district meeting. it was way spiritual. i was so glad to have it. it was 2 districts, and the district leaders gave way good trainings and then we had a sweet testimony meeting. i think everyone but 1 person was crying at some point. i really needed that. i had kinda forgotten my purpose, and why i am here.
the weather has been pretty mild here this last couple of weeks. i dont know if we've even broken 90 in the last 2 weeks. there has been a share of humidity, but as far as heat in august goes, it hasnt been bad at all. it was funny to see brother ward come back and when we were outside i thought it was pretty comfortable, and he was sweating like crazy just from humidity. i guess you actually do get used to it.
i'm glad you got to see radiolake. i really miss playing with them. it was a lot of fun. maybe when i come home i'll travel to seattle a couple times to play with them.
well, i hope things go well this week for you. love you tons, and make sure you read your scriptures and say your prayers!
Elder Morrison

1 comment:

Fairbank Family said...

Glad to hear that things are shaping up again for Kenz. Thanks for posting his letters for all of us. It's fun to "hear" from him weekly. Gotta love technology!