Monday, September 29, 2008

Letter from Elder Morrison

well, it sure sounds like you've had your hands full this last week.
sickness is no fun. i cant believe i havent been real sick on my mission so far. i've had a few colds, but no throwing up or anything. so i'm really happy about that. watch, now that i've said that, i'm going to be getting sick here pretty just out of curiosity, how small is 3rd ward?
if they have 2 counselors to the bishop, they're doing better than us. lol.
we only have about 25 active members. soon to be about 27! andria, who is 9 years old is one of them. she is so excited about the gospel. this week, we went to teach her, and she had to clean her room before we could teach. her parents had tried taking toys, and taking down her hannah montana posters (she LOVES hannah montana) and all sorts of stuff. didnt even phase her.
they told her she couldnt take her lessons until after it was clean and that really got her going. each fast sunday for the last 3 she has had someone help her, and she always wants to bear her testimony. 2 times she had someone write it for her, and then the beginning of september, she had me go up with her to help her. it's so great to see her enthusiasm for the gospel.
the other baptism we have lined up is tonya. she's doing really well, and i believe she's been 2 days without a cigarette. she's making a huge step in her life. she's really solid too. in our gospel principles class one of the members asked her how she knows the church is true and she said something to the effect of "when i walk into other churches, i feel dread. when i walk into this church, i feel peace." SOLID!!! she's changing her baptism date to the 18th, the day after andria's. she wants to know what to expect before she get's baptized. she's pretty excited about it thought i think. she also has 2 kids that are 7 and 5. i think i was put here to help build the primary. lol. so far since i've been here, we have 4 new people in primary.
that more than doubles the amount we had to start with.
the weather has been pretty warm again lately. i cant believe september is already gone when it feels like august still. lol. i cant say i'm enjoying the heat, but i think it's supposed to start cooling down a little bit here soon. the leaves are starting to change now. i'm really excited for that. i love the fall in missouri. you'll never see anything like it back home. can you believe that a year ago i was in st. peters? i was in my 2nd area a year ago. about 7 1/2 months left. either i'll have 1 or 2 more areas. when you put it that way, i dont have much longer.
i got an email today from Russelyn Callahan. i guess she's decided to go on a mission. i'm way excited for her. she will be a great missionary.
as for my shirt, i made it with acryllic paint. elder grayson found the stencil, cut it out, and then i just used it with acryllic paint. i think it looks pretty cool.
well, i guess that's about it for this week. i hope you all get better if you havent already. love you lots!
Elder Morrison

1 comment:

mom Tolmanb said...

I don't think I have ever commented on Mackenzie's part of the blog, but I read it all the time and enjoy it. Wish him well. Aunt Sherie