Monday, October 27, 2008

Letter from Elder Morrison

hey family! well, it's been a pretty good week. first off, yes, i did send ty and creesh cards, and i put 2 stamps on each, which usually covers it. oh well.
thanks for reminding me that i'll be missing hockey again. i'm really worried that in a year i'm going to be a loser, because i will have forgotten how to skate. we have a rink right next to the office, but i dont know if that will ever happen. i hope it will.
dad, i'm glad you do your home teaching. that helps the missionaries in the ward so much.
i would have liked to see president baker, but i'm sure he's only here for a short time and he doesnt have time. give him my regards.
i cant really think of anything i need from home for you to send in a box. if there's anything you think i should have, you can send it. actually, if you have an extra ipod cord laying around, i could probably use it. i did get the money you sent. thank you. it bought me a good meal before i left boonville, and also a shirt, which i painted on and has the super mario 3 picture on it. i think it looks good.
as for mom, i'm sure you had lots of church, but try going from 3 1/2 hours (including meetings) to 8 1/2 between 2 weeks. i was at the church building from 9 until 5:30.
it's really cool to be back in the ward, and that i already know people. it was funny to see who remembered me and who didnt. there are a lot of new people here since i left though. plus, this time i'm with a companion that a lot of people like. i'm living with members now. it's a little awkward, but it's really cool. today we had the parkway elders and the sisters over to play board games (kinda boring, actually). but sister tenney (who we live with) made us brownies and popcorn and breakfast too. it was really nice of her. already i've had more meals given to me than i did in the last 30 days in fayette. crazy. stake conference is this week. i'm pretty excited for it. me and elder dandoy are singing in the choir. should be good. i havent seen jeanne yet, but she is going to feed us tomorrow. hopefully i can ease some tension from Ron.
by the way, my address can be just the mission office.
745 craig rd. ste 306
creve coeur, mo 63141
as for gossip, i had heard of ryan and stephanie. fredericksens adopting and katey lamb were new. thanks for the update.
saturday, we had our trunk or treat/halloween party. they had a hot dog/chili dinner, as well as some games for the kids, a costume parade, and ended with the trunk or treat. it went really well, and there were several nonmembers there, which was really great.
i'm finding that the vehicle section of the office is pretty behind. i'm really trying to get things organized (like that's my strong point) and get back up to speed. it's coming slowly but surely.
well, i guess that's about it. thanks for all the support and love. love you, Elder Morrison

1 comment:

mom and dad said...

Elder Kenz, sounds like you are doing very well. Keep up the good work. We are proud of you. Love, grandma and grandpa