Friday, June 19, 2009

Good Morning

What a sight to wake up to... Either Deb did a rotten job at cubscout day camp or Tyler & Mackenzie's friends have a hard time getting to sleep.


Earl Family said...

It's just to remind you not to have a *crappy* Father's Day.

mom Tolmanb said...

Oh, doesn't that make you frutstrated? It does me, when that happens. You want to tell THEM to come clean it up.

christy jensen said...

Another reason why children are a pain in the butt

mom and dad said...

Good thing is your trees aren't that tall. Good decorations. Reminds me of May Day. Love it. Love mom

Anonymous said...

haha guess what guess what....oh yes....that was a fun time!!!! yes yes! and no one would do the trees but i started so then everyone did hehe you know its because your family is amazing and we love you!