well, yesterday was transfer calls. Elder Parkinson is going to be serving in Sikeston, MO. i'm going to be getting Elder Grayson, who i hear is a hippie. we'll see how he rivals with dad. lol. also, elder smith that i served with in st. peters will be my district leader out here. alex is now a zone leader in the Cape Girardeau Zone. sounds like you had a good time at the concert for the most part. i really miss getting to go to live music. after i get home, i'll probably REALLY enjoy the free concerts in the park. are they still doing those? and mom, that drunk guy that sat next to you...i guess you're being prepared to serve a mission when you and dad get older. lol. awkward moments every day.
sounds like ty is having a trying time in peru, but i think that no matter what he thinks of it right now, he'll love it after he comes home. i'm glad he got that experience in the temple too. ty is gonna learn so much. i think it will really make him realize what a mission is kinda like, except i dont know when he gets to email. pretty intense stuff.
tell brett good luck for me. you'll have to remind me what new york mission he was sent to. also let me know about reeder's call. thanks so much for scottie's info. i hope that i get the right one the first time. lol.
ok, answering of the questions time:
1) this week, we did a lot of stuff. we did a lot of service yet again. in fact, on saturday, we spent from 7 in the morning until 8:30 at night working with brother ward. he is in the final few days of working on the house, and we were helping lay carpet. me and elder parkinson would put up the tacks by the walls and then lay the padding, and brother ward would come after that and lay the carpet. we also got a room painted. the kitchen is done in there too. i'll have to take some pictures for you so you can see it. we also did service on the Larkins farm, building more fence. unfortunately, it was raining some of the time so we didnt accomplish as much as we should have. we also helped Jerry do some sheetrock work, which is difficult because we're in a tiny room, with angled ceilings, upstairs, without A/C. whew!
2)as for weather, tuesday we got a pretty violent storm. i forgot my camera today, but i got a couple videos of it. the only storm i can really think of to rival it was back in Chesterfield when i took that video of that crazy storm with hail. it didnt hail here, but the thunder was the loudest i've ever heard in my life. by the way, the missouri river i think is in flood stage again.
3)knees= blah. they're not doing very well, but it definitely helps a lot when i use my knee brace i bought. i try to wear it as much as i can.
4)already talked about service opportunities 5)i missed one. the missionary work is pretty slow still, although we may have a good opportunity. we are working with a member's friend, who has a girlfriend. he has taken the lessons before, and almost joined the church. however, his girlfriend wants to take the lessons, so we're going to teach them this week. pretty excited about that.
6)not any really new foods. there is a salad dressing out here called Dorothy Lynch, which the main ingredient is tomato soup. if you figure that one out, let me know. it's pretty gross.
7)no, no more powder.
as for the job offer, i'm pretty happy about staying in ML. i was worried about it, and i know it would be closer to home for you guys, but to tell you the truth, i wouldnt be going home after my mission. i'd be going to my new house. lol.
well, i guess that's about it, except that you really need to find that tape recorder...its really important.
Well, i love you guys. take care, and i'll type at you next week. by the way, KaeLynn, good post with Eliza giving her talk. it's a common joke/saying around these parts. lol.
Elder Morrison