Monday, August 11, 2008

Letter from Elder Morrison

well, it's been an interesting week. this week started out pretty good. my companion and i were getting along pretty well, and nothing out of the ordinary was happening. then on friday night, elder grayson asked if he could use my little screwdriver to try and fix his cd player. i asked him if he'd listen to 'apostate music', meaning unapproved stuff. he said probably.
so i wouldnt let him use it. well, he got really upset at that, and was really mad at me. he wouldnt do our daily planning with me or even talk to me. we went to bed on not very good terms. the next day, things were really awkward between us, and i asked him if he was still mad at me. he said pretty much. i asked him what i could do to help and what i needed to change, and he wouldnt answer me. after doing some service for an investigator, i parked the car on the side of the road and asked him 'is this something that we're going to get over and be able to work together, or is it something where we're going to have to call president turley and tell him it's not going to work?' he said 'do what you think you should do'. i didnt call president, but talked to the zone leaders about it, and they said to deal with it for a couple days, and serve him. i also talked to elder smith, our district leader about it, and he said basically the same thing.
my plan is that if things dont get better, then i'll talk to president turley at zone conference this week. however, last night, he started talking to me again, and we actually did our planning, and said companion prayers.
this morning, things seem to be better. i'm planning on buying him lunch at the casino, which is a buffet, and is really good. by the way he is from canyon city, Colorado.
i cant believe that roman is home already. you know he went out less than a year before me. tyler fredericksen will be coming home about 4 months from now, and he's only 5 months or so ahead of me. i will have nine months left as of this friday. and speaking of which, i'll be home on may 21st, not the 16th. you may want to change the countdown. and while i'm at that, you can drop the 'c/o brother ward' from it. just put the address. that's fine.
this week, we had teamups with the zone leaders. we found this lady tracting, and she seems pretty interested. she accepted an invitation to read and pray, and halfway accepted a soft baptismal commitment. we'll see her on thursday. we havent heard anything from the eivens family, the ones that we gave the blessings to. hopefully we'll be able to contact them soon.
to answer your question, the wards moved to cheyenne, wyoming. they were going to washington, but then decided on wyoming. in fact they called me yesterday, and said they finally got settled in, and brother ward starts work today, hauling crude oil around wyoming and i think oklahoma. sounds like they're doing well. sister ward's dad still lives in the house, and he'll be there for about a week or 2 more, and then we'll be here all by our lonesome in a mansion. i think our house has to be about 8,000 square feet or so. its huge.
thanks a ton for the package. i really enjoy the cd's. they're really good, and yes, approved. i was really stoked about the pics, though. that was a lot of pictures, and it was interesting when i couldnt distinguish cousins because they're all growing up, and one cousing looks like the older sibling as of the last time i saw them. for instance, whitney and kori, and kasiah and lacy. pretty crazy.
i'm really excited to find out where grandma goes on her mission. i know that it will be exciting for her. it sure has been exciting for me.
well, i guess that's about all this week. i hope things are well for you.
love you and i'll let you know how things are next week!
Elder Morrison


Fairbank Family said...

I'll say it again...hang in there! If you can't work it out, get out. It's not worth "serving time" with a bonehead. Been there, done that.

Anonymous said...

you sound like a Bishop already Elder M. Jale Kade is always prays for you every night in our family prayer. Sounds like you doing whats right, when you live right the spirit will be your guidance everywhere you go. Way to go Elder. We love you and thanks for setting a good example for all your cousins.