Monday, December 28, 2009

Letter from Elder Morrison

well hey there family
first off
Hola! Feliz navidad! Merry bolated christmas,, christmas was yesterday and incase you were wondering what i got....oh....i dont know....maybe try one hundred and fifty dollars to itunes!!!
ok so the rest of this week has been alright. its hard to get back into the swing of things. today we got someone to come open up the family history center for us. do you remember that shortcut i told you about? well elder worthen decided we should take it in the truck. it was still pretty muddy and to say the least, we are missing a fog light right now. well we have it, just not in the right spot.
anyways thank s so much for the christmas gifts again. they were great. it was way great talking to you all, but it made me a little homesick the next day.
but with the presents, im pretty sure that those gifts ruined any chance of me having a productive study ever again. haha everything will be quiet and goin well and then POW! i will shoot E. Burton in the mellon with my nerf gun. I be Bustin a cap in yo ace son! im a reall gangsta now.
well the night before last, we were both really tired and got into bed at about 10. the zone leaders barely got home after we got in bed and they got us up. so much for havin a full nights sleep. earlier at dinner they got me to eat a chile, they said it was the 3rd hottest chile in the world, but not until after i had eaten it. bad deal my friends. anyway i stole about 10 of them and put them in my pocket because i was going to play a prank on worthen, but we ended up doing something different. elder burton was going to eat 6 of them at once for a tie that worthen had. i recorded it all on video and i will be sending home my card soon so you can see it.
thanks for workin on the cd's. if it is too much hastle, dont worrie about it. i hope things are all going well at home. i cant wait to hear cole and kurts farewell. that will be neat. i cant believe tyler is going to brazil. that is pretty sweet. i wish with how lonely marshall looks, that he would flippin write me back. haha
well family, i dont have much else to write. other than the fact that dinner is going to blow tonight because last time we ate at this persons house there was hair in my lasagna. "barf"
The Hodge is out of town and we have been pretty loud and crazy haha. gotta do it while we can.
i guess that i had better go, so i will talk to you all next week
Much love
Elder Morrison

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