Monday, December 31, 2007
Letter From Elder Morrison
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
The Cost of a Merry Christmas...
The phone call home from Elder Morrison... Priceless!
We had a wonderful Christmas and hope the joy of this day was enjoyed by all of our family and friends. Santa brought all the right gifts, and friends and family gave the perfect heartfelt presents. However, the best present of all was hearing from Mackenzie and sharing in the joy and success he is having serving our Lord. It is His birthday we are celebrating after all.
Merry Christmas !
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Home Teaching
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Lets Not Foget Tyler-A Post By Assistant Captain himself- Tyler Morrison
Friday, December 21, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Craig's Hockey Game (at Kevin's Request)
Here you go Kevin... not the best video but at least it's a video. It's not the NHL either so your "smart ass" comments will quickly find my delete button. And to answer your next question... NO, IT'S NOT IN SLOW MOTION!!!! Thats as fast as I can move.
Tyler's First Quarter Grades at Big Bend Community College
Letter from Elder Morrison
i didnt get the 'do not open' box yet, so i guess i'll be looking for it. there's one headed your way too, so be looking for that. it will probably get there like Christmas eve or something.
about the blog, i may or may not have just got on there real quick to find out what was happening and to see some pics. you guys dont really send many pictures, so i thought i'd find some. and it's too bad to hear about zach. i hope things work out the best they can for him.
well, this week when we were teaching the Jones kids (who are getting baptized this sunday, the 23rd) we were just sitting down and getting ready to start, but the mom had stuff to talk about. Dustin, the 9 year-old says "did you know it really hurts to get a sewing needle in your foot?". we kinda laughed and brushed it off, and then a minute later he said "Mom, stop. i was trying to change the subject." she just kept talking and then he finally said "OK, who wants to say the prayer?" hahaha. he's a really cool kid, and so is Breanna, his 11 year-old sister. i am really glad that i have the opportunity to teach them and see them get baptized.
we did get some snow this last week. we got about 5-6 inches. it was real powdery though so we couldnt really make a good snowman. we tried to with a member, but it was only like 4 feet high, and looked pretty dumb. however yesterday we were waiting outside of our grandma's house for her to get back from the store and we built one that was a good 5 or 5 1/2 feet in like 5 minutes. the melting snow worked a lot better. we've had 40's for most of the week, so that's pretty warm. i havent had to wear a coat too much as we havent spent much time tracting. we have a lot of less active work to do here. we're consistently visiting about 9 families each week, and that's quite a few. the thing is that they're almost all different families each week. we have a lot of less actives due to how far things are spread out, and the fact that nobody does their home teaching. i really didnt see the point of home teaching until i got on my mission. make sure you're doing it. those families need it, and it's kinda on your shoulders to keep them active. just be grateful you have 2 or 3 families instead of 5 or 6 like here in missouri.
well, i look forward to talking on Christmas. i'll let you know (probably by Jeanne) when i'll be calling. love you a ton!
Elder Morrison
Friday, December 14, 2007
Ho Ho Ho!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
TIE : Us - 7 Them - 7
Number 21 just graduated from Wyoming where he played hockey, and recently moved to Moses Lake.
This picture shows my "awesome gloveside save" from the cowboy shot. Here is the problem.... not enough of my efforts resulted in saves. I was scored on 7 times last night. 6 of the 7 goals were made by the cowboy. Maybe he will move back.
Concretia - Another Band Geek!
Concretia had her 6th Grade band concert today. She did a good job. This video shows her section solo.
Letter from Elder Morrison
i'll be calling you for Christmas, and unless things change, it will probably be in the morning sometime. i'll probably give you some time to wake up before i call too, since it IS a 2 hour difference.
we did get a little bit of ice, but not nearly as bad as columbia, MO. i guess they got an inch or something of ice. we just had a little bit, and it wasnt even on the roads. it looked pretty cool though. it snowed last week a little bit, but then turned to rain, and it obviously didnt stick.
i have talked a little bit to Nelson, but just for a minute. and Alex is in Poplar Bluff (which is called outer darkness) and will be for probably at least until mid-February.
We went to Centralia, IL for a baptism last saturday. we drove to st. louis (about an hour), hopped on the MetroLink train (another hor and 15 or so) and then had someone pick us up at the last station and drove another hour to Centralia. we spent about an hour there, and then backtracked. we did have some extra time, and we really had to use the bathroom, and since Jeanne's was on the way, we decided to stop for a few minutes. she was so surprised and excited i thought she might pee her pants. lol. then since she loves me so much, she came all the way out to Sullivan to bring us to St. Louis for zone conference. then we spent a few hours with her and she took us to dinner at red robin before we drove back out to sullivan.
well, i guess i'm about out of things to say. i hope this season is finding you well. know that i love you, and that the Lord loves you. stay close to Him.
Elder Morrison
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Elder Morrison Update... a letter from Jeanne
Well, your boy is doing fantastic. My son, Chad and I went to Sullivan yesterday to pick up Elder Anglesy and “Kenz” so they could attend Temple and the holiday festivities at the Mission Home, which is about 15 minutes from my home. He is so happy in Sullivan. Happier than I have ever seen him. His roomie, Elder “Mike” Anglesy is so nice. Almost a perfect match for Kenz. It was about an hour drive back to the Temple from Sullivan and we both didn’t stop talking. I think Mike and Chad were ready to give Mackenzie and I the boot out the door. But, that is just too bad, we had a lot of catching up to do. The apartment is really large and Mackenzie and Mike did a great job of decorating with Christmas lights inside and out. In fact, their apartment was easy to find since it was the only one decorated outside. J
I can’t believe how much has happened since Mackenzie went on his mission. I don’t believe in coincidence. You telling me all of these stories about people you haven’t seen in years and now they appear out of nowhere in connection to the people in Sullivan. WOW !
He did not complain at all about his knees, so I think he is improving there. He had made himself sweet and sour chicken for breakfast and brought it with him. You really raised a boy that is pretty self sufficient. This mission has really given him a lot more confidence than when I first met him. He just misses his family so much that when I go see him, I think he feels a connection because he knows you and I E-mail each other a lot. He got his gifts. The boys really look forward to getting things from their families. I noticed some of the boys at the Mission House were already opening theirs. I think if they got a sack of coal, they would still be grateful since it was from ‘HOME”. Mackenzie is spending Christmas at a home in Sullivan. There is a grandma who has taken a liking to Mike and Mackenzie. So, I will be seeing Kenz and Mike on the following Thursday (P-day) to celebrate.
He sends lots of hugs and kisses. So do Ron and I.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Peace Around The World
The poster is now in Canada being judged at a district level.
Sorry, I didn't get a picture of the poster. You will just have to imagine that it was really cool.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Friday, December 7, 2007
We're back
i cant believe how fast time has flown since i got into sullivan. its already been 2 weeks since thanksgiving. and you dont have the lights up? that IS unnormal. well, anyways, this week has been a good one. we had our branch Christmas party this week, on saturday. we had a good time. i have a picture of me and elder anglesey with santa here. so that was fun. we also signed up to decorate a table for the party, and there's a picture of that also. the tree was a dollar (yeah, only a dollar) and then we spray-painted it silver. then we hung book of mormon ornaments on it that we made from pass-along cards, and then a couple pictures of ourselves on it, with Christ at the top, made from pass-along cards. we thought it was pretty sweet.
we also put up lights in our apartment. its really sweet. we got blue and white ones, and then at the Meramec Mission (where we do service) they had lights for 50 cents a strand (because we get 50% off), so we bought like 4 of them. there's lights around all the walls in the main part of the apartment now. i'll have to take a video of it so you can see it all. we've also made a goal to listen only to Christmas music until Christmas. so far we're lasting pretty well, but it's probably only a matter of time until one of us breaks. lol. at least we have some fun.
as for the work, things are going well. we still have 3 dates for this month. we got a couple referrals at the Christmas party who are going to be solid. possibly baptized this transfer. its pushing it, but it might happen. the girl wants to go to the temple. i'd say that's pretty solid. we also have a few potentials, so we're excited about that.
well, that's about it. hope the ice gets better, and i'd like some pictures. that'd be nice.
love you and miss you
Elder Morrison